
starting a new patchwork project

I decided the start on a new machine piecing project. I think it’s been literal years since I started a new patchwork project, and most of the WIPs are still WIPs. It’s been a pretty hectic few years, I guess. They weren’t really busy years, but there was too much happening, in a way.

Anyway. I decided to start this stripey hexagon project. There’s no pattern; just some rough calculations on my end. Basically, I’m cutting 3″ strips of fabric lengthwise and using a quilting ruler to cut equilateral triangles (all three angles are 60°) that will be pieced together into hexagons.

Strips of fabric cut three inches wide
Using a quilting ruler to cut equilateral triangles

There are rulers made specifically for cutting triangles — I’ve seen them around on the internet — but I’m just using a normal quilting ruler and rotating it to cut the triangles. The angles are marked on my ruler, so it’s just a matter of making sure the ruler is oriented the correct way. Because the two strips were pieced together before I cut the triangles, I end up with two ‘sets’ of triangles: one with the red fabric at the peak, and the other with the red fabric as the base of the triangle.

Equilateral triangles from the sewn together strips

Then all I need to do is rearrange the triangles a bit and piece them together, and I end up with two hexagons. I only piece three of the triangles together, though, so I get a half-hexagon and I can strip piece the quilt once I have enough of them. Trying to piece actual hexagon shapes using a machine will end in tears (or judicious use of the seam ripper).

Two hexagons, both alike in dignity

I’m going to need quite a few sets of these hexagons before I can piece the quilt top together, so it’s going to take a while to get there. Stay tuned for further updates!

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